Ethos and Values

Delivering first class care to our service users and ensuring their safety is at the heart of everything that we do. We achieve this through:

Effective partnerships and collaboration with NHS Wheelchair Services

Ensuring our valued staff are supported, trained and skilled

Constantly striving for excellence

Always evaluating and looking at how we can improve

Engineer carrying out programming of wheelchair
Rob Womack, Paralympian Athlete (Shot put) , London 2012 Bronze Medalist

DGT Services Ltd remains focused on serving Wheelchair Services as our core business. As an Approved Repairer, we meet and surpass all the requirements of the Healthcare Standards for NHS Commissioned Wheelchair Services and Code of Practice for Wheelchair and Seating Services (CECOPS). We also maintain the quality standard ISO 9001:2015 and environmental standard ISO14001 accreditation.

We continue to work on sustainability and wholeheartedly support social value principles. We strive to have a positive impact upon our environment and reduce our carbon footprint. We are committed to achieving Net Zero in line with the NHS Target and will continue to report our progress.

We will address this continually through:

- all our working practices,

- how we manage the vehicle fleet that our engineers use,

- recycling and refurbishment of wheelchairs and parts,

- reducing the amount of waste produced,

- endeavoring to use local trades and suppliers wherever possible,

- supporting our local community.

We have a fantastic team of staff who all work together to deliver the Wheelchair Repair and Maintenance Services across London and the South East. We are a fair employer and none of our staff are on zero hours contracts.

iso9001 acreditation
CECOPS registered
dementia friend
safe contractor
mindful employer