Servicing and Preventative Maintenance

In order to prevent issues or problems with your wheelchair, we carry out regular servicing and safety inspections.

servicing of wheelchair at annual safety inspection

Regular servicing and maintenance provides wheelchair users with confidence and reassurance about the safety of their mobility equipment. It also prevents potential incidents or accidents by highlighting issues with a wheelchair before becoming hazardous.

Electrically powered wheelchairs need inspecting and servicing at least annually and the time frame for manual wheelchairs will vary according to local Wheelchair Service requirements.

Our Customer Coordinators will make contact with service users when equipment is due a service inspection.

If you think your wheelchair may be due a service or need a safety check please use the form below or email us at

If you think you are due a non-urgent maintenance or safety check, please contact us using the form below:

Service user’s details

Your details

Which wheelchair service do you come under?

Wheelchair/buggy details (if known)

Do you have any faults or problems with the equipment?
